After a long gap, I am using my blog to write something purely personal. These days things are not as spirited or enthusiastic as they used to be. Tasks seem to never end for me. Entire day busy. Tired in the evening. More tired; giving a feeling that years gone by have really taken the best and most out of me, these are gone and will not be repeated. Friends who admired and relied on my writing have requested time and again but I ma not able to settle down for any creative writing. There are piles of unfinished writings-- literary, popular, semi-technical, research-result. There are many ideas but nothing seem to click or nothing seem to be powerful enough to keep me glued to pen-paper or the keyboard. In spite of several friendly requests I am unable to get enthused or have the urge to go to Koraput and talk to students about my work, about wildlife, about management issues, and so on. I cannot oblige my long time friend a write up for his publication. If someone starts to talk with me it continues with no sign of ending. Interest in life, interest in subject seem to be shifting, or slowing down, but the past work, past friends, and previous well wishers have made so much impact, that I cannot get out of the shoes and the history! As I type, I get an optimistic feeling that may be today is a day for return to my creating literary work of 1960s and 70s. Perhaps this is going to take me through the coming days, months or years. I do not know when I will sit with this page again, and with what in my mind. Until then, I will also be keen to know about me and my mood.