Sunday, February 16, 2020

Pangolin number and how to protect

Media in Odisha is always very active with wildlife-related news and have often reported information regarding seizure of Pangolin or its products. 

Pangolin is included in Schedule-I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act. 
On the World Pangolin Day (15 February), when asked, I had made the following points before local electronic media, and wish keep this in record here.

1.) Odisha Pangolin distribution and status: 
Except for the coastal region and mangroves, Pangolin occurrence is known from all districts. We do not have any knowledge about the exact or range of numbers of Pangolin surviving in the wild. 

2.) People living in and around forests, on their regular walk through the forests, may accidentally locate Pangolin scale and track, and go for the animal.   I have not heard about any organised search for Pangolin products in Similipal during my 16-years stay (1987-2003) in Similipal.

3.) Seizure of live Pangolin or scales, seen in media or from some particular Forest / Wildlife Divisions have caused serious concern. However, such seizures may indicate only a fraction of the thriving source for disposing or putting the Pangolin materials into the trade-link.

4.) I can see three possible ways to curb threats to Pangolin populations and their use in trade: 
(a) At the source,  at least stop or check 'free' or 'at will' or 'unguarded' access by people through forests of notified/intended Sanctuaries and National Parks; 
(b) Continuous awareness among people about Pangolin, the existing law for protecting them and punishing the offenders, etc.
(c) Continue with rigorous checks and seizures, as is happening in Athagarh Forest Division, and 
(d) Call for ideas and launch innovative awareness among consumers to stop use of Pangolin products, live or dry.