Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Sea Turtle Man Dr Chandra Sekhar Kar

No one in India thought about or fought for the Pacific Ridley as passionately as did Dr Chandrasekhar Kar. The Gahirmatha turtle rookery was discovered for the conservation community by Dr Bustard but Chandrasekhar was the man who stood behind successive Chief Wildlife Wardens and sweated in the office, the secretariat, the High Power Committee and the High Court to gently ensure that Gahirmatha Marine National Park was notified and sustained among all hazards. Turtles are orphaned-- they probably knew it and didn't visit Gahirmatha this year for nesting!
I have lost a close professional friend. The conservation community has lost a person of rare ingredients. May his soul rest in peace!
Turtles will not be orphaned. You, CSK,  have been instrumental in motivating the administration for streamlining several management issues!